Once spring and summer arrive, many of us are challenged by the fact that we can no longer hide behind our big coats, bulky sweaters, hats, and scarves. This time of the year there's more skin showing and less alternatives to camouflage what we perceive as our "flaws." Some of us literally hate spring fashions primarily for this reason. For those of you who find yourself in this category, I want to ask you a question - is it really about the clothes or are you simply afraid to embrace your femininity?
Women often find it challenging to find the balance between being "strong" and "accomplished" and being feminine. There's a "softness" associated with femininity that experiences in the work place and in our homes have taught us is negative. However, the bottom line is that our "softness" is what makes us women. (And quite frankly it's what our significant others see that attracts them to us.)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting on clothes that make you look and feel feminine. Little girls are not challenged by this at all. My youngest godchild is four years old, and her mother still has to fight with her to wear something other than a dress. If you ask her why she likes to wear dresses she will tell you: "Because I'm a girl, and they make me look pretty."
For those of you who are "girly" challenged, I strongly suggest that you make a commitment this summer to change that. Make an appointment to get those nails and toes done, try a new hair style, and put on something that makes you feel like the woman you were meant to be. Who knows - this may just be the "pick me up" you need to attract that certain someone of the opposite sex and have that "spring fling."
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