Every time we turn around there's a new style of jeans taking center stage. Several years back the emergence of the low-rise phenomenon had mother's of teenage daughters -- not to mention dads -- shaking their heads in horror. Shortly thereafter, the "yummy mommy" (i.e one who would NEVER be caught in "mom jeans") jumped on the bandwagon after realizing not only how comfortable they were but also how they transformed your body. (They conveniently fell below that little "pouch" many of us can't get rid of and gave you a streamlined look.)
Designers quickly realized conservative moms were not trying to hear "how low can you go," so the mid-rise jean was ultimately unveiled. And just when everyone thought they had comfortably settled into the latest and greatest jean fad, we were thrust back into the 80's with the re-emergence of the skinny jean.
This summer style makers turned to loose, comfy fitting clothes, including harem pants "ala MC Hammer." And yes, the jean makers followed suit - boyfriend jeans were born. If you need a visual, imagine -- you put on a pair of your man's jeans that are loose-fitting, look "lived-in," the knees are worn, and you can't keep them up without a belt!
When I first took a look at these jeans, I thought, "no way . . . not me." And then one day I saw a pair of ripped up Joes Jeans (my favorite brand) online, and I said "what the heck, let me give them a try." Much to my husband's chagrin, I fell in love. It wasn't because they made my body look good. (These are definitely not the jeans to enhance your shape.) It was that they are just so darn comfortable! They are super soft and feel like you're relaxing in a pair of your favorite sweats.
I, of course, had to figure out a way to style them so I could still look like a diva and not some tomboy walking down the street. The key is to roll them up a few times (I prefer thinner rolls than pictured above), and then funk them out with a pair of high-heeled gladiators (I just happen to have the ones pictured above), and a cute loose top. You can even throw on a chic jacket for added pizazz.
I know - I know: some of you just can't get with that. No worries. You're going to see them a lot this fall so here's my style tip: buy them one to two sizes smaller, and they will fit just like your regular jeans! And make sure you click here to check out a great online site for jeans: shopbop.com.